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New research reveals surprising insight into British drinking culture

The study by the University of Sheffield's Alcohol Research Group, funded by Alcohol Research UK, shows that while heavy drinking is still commonplace, much consumption is moderate and sociable. Between 2009 and 2011, almost half (46 per cent) of drinking occasions in the UK involved moderate, relaxed drinking in the home. However, nine per cent involved drinking heavily at home with a partner. The study, published online by the scientific journal  Addiction , also confirmed that 'pre-drinking' is a typical feature of nights out for both young adults and older drinkers -- and often involves heavy consumption. A total of 10 per cent of all drinking occasions involved groups of friends moving between home and pub drinking and consuming on average 14 units of alcohol -- the equivalent of seven pints of beer or one and a half bottles of wine. However, for many, going out with friends often involved drinking only low levels of alcohol. In comparison, almost half of ge